29 research outputs found

    Pasturas: base del Uruguay productivo

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    El Uruguay es un país pastoril definido por las características de la vegetación de campos (Allen et al., 2011; Berretta et al., 2000) dominante, consecuencia de las características agroecológicas y la presencia de los herbívoros domésticos. Los campos representan el 65% de las 15,4 millones de hectáreas disponibles para la producción, sobre esta área se mantienen una población aproximada de 11,54 millones de vacunos y 8,19 millones de ovinos (http://www.mgap.gub.uy/DGSG/DICOSE/Infirme.2013/DJ2013_Total Nacional.pdf)

    Livestock Farmers and Researchers Perceptions about Ecosystem Services Provided by Rio de la Plata Grasslands

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    The perception and valuation that livestock farmers have about ecosystem services provided by natural pastures is of fundamental importance to their management decisions and the conservation of this resource. This work aims to reveal results of a project carried out in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay using the TESSA (Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment) methodology to compare the perceptions of different ecosystem services among livestock farmers and researchers. The methodology was participatory workshops, two by country, one with livestock farmers participating in the Grassland Alliance (at least 50% of natural grassland in the livestock production system) and another with researchers working in grassland based livestock production. Main services targeted by producers were their way of life, water quality, water regulation, scenic beauty, meat quality, and fodder production. On the other hand, the researchers target ecosystem services related to forage production (food and fiber), water regulation, erosion control, carbon sequestration, soil fertility, and tourism. Farmers value their habitat in a more sensitive way and place more importance to intangible services that benefit their well-being and future generations. At the same time, researchers mainly point to quantitative benefits of pasture, soil and water as well as the potential for tourism

    Application of the TESSA Methodology in a Pilot Protocol for Participatory Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and Agents of Change in the Pampa Grasslands. Method Description and Lessons Learned

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    The Toolkit for Site-Based Assessment (Landscape) of Ecosystem Services (TESSA) is intended to be an accessible guide for low-cost methods to assess the benefits that people receive from nature at particular sites in order to generate information that can be used to influence decision-making (Pehl et al 2015). However, TESSA does not have defined protocols for grasslands ecosystems. This article focuses on the description and discussion of the lessons learned in the participatory workshops that include engaging with policy and decision-making actors. The work consisted of identifying 1) the area occupied by each coverage or use, 2) the threats and agents of change, 3) the ecosystem services and 4) a detailed description of the most important services in the area. The methodology was applied in the grassland ecosystems in the countries of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay (Schossler et al 2016). A total of 54 livestock farmers, 56 researchers and more than 22 institutions were involved with this study. Results involve the perceptions of the actors involved with the topic of interest in the four countries of interest, in addition to the potential changes and trends presented by the agents of change that most affect the ecosystem. In this paper we discuss the initial steps of the TESSA methodology. The protocols used at the field level and their results will be published as self contained articles within the doctoral thesis of the primary author

    Changes in Defoliation Patterns of Plant Functional Groups under Variable Herbage Allowance in Campos Grasslands

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    Several studies have evaluated separately forage production, botanical composition, leaf traits and animal performance. However, few of them have focused on defoliation patterns at the level of functional groups (FGs) under different and variable herbage allowance (HA), especially in natural, diverse grasslands. The objective was to evaluate the relationship between HA and leaf traits on defoliation patterns of mature beef cows in the autumn, winter and spring. We evaluated the grazing probability (GP), intensity of defoliation (ID), and leaf traits on 14 species that represent more than 80% of total dry matter of the pasture. The experiment at which we evaluated those traits and responses has been managed under High HA (HHA) and Low HA (LHA) (8 and 5 kg dry matter kg live weight-1, respectively). Four plant FGs (A, B, C and D) were defined according to leaf traits, and a selectivity index (SI) was developed for each group (considering the proportion of grazed and ungrazed species). Grazing patterns shifted across seasons. In the autumn, grazing was concentrated on FGs A, B and C groups (GP = 0.417). While for FG D, represented by high-biomass tussocks, the GP was lower (0.075). During winter, when herbage accumulation rate is limited, the average GP was 0.175. FGs C and D were more defoliated in relation to autumn, and during spring the GP shifted to FG B (0.289). The ID was similar to all FGs and seasons (66 % of leaf removed). In autumn and spring, the SI was affected by FGs and HA while in winter were similar between FGs but higher in HHA. Cows behaved differently in the defoliation pattern, modifying mainly the GP on FGs rather than the ID. Variation in HA across season determined changes in defoliation pattern, allowing to express selectivity in autumn and spring

    Ecosystem and productive benefits of the strategic inclusion of annual legumes into an annual ryegrass pasture in a no-tillage integrated crop-livestock system

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    Annual winter pastures are strategic components in crop-livestock systems in Uruguay. The aim of this study was to evaluate the N legume fixation into an annual ryegrass pasture contrasted to the N fertilizer addition. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with 2x2 factorial arrangement of the treatments, two pasture types: a) annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) pasture, and b) of annual ryegrass with two annual legume species (Trifolium resupinatum L. and Trifolium vesiculosum L.); and two levels of N fertilizer: a) no N fertilizer, and b) 64 kg N ha-1. They were grazed with Holstein steers. Setaria italica crop was planted in summer to evaluate the carry over effects of the treatments on its herbage mass production. Pasture accumulated herbage mass was significantly increased with N fertilizer (P ≤ 0.01), increment of 1277 ± 322.5 kg DM ha-1. The legume species’ addition plus N fertilization led to a higher nitrogen nutrition index in the mixed pastures. Ryegrass herbage mass was positively influenced by N addition, but with that there was a 47% of weed herbage mass increase in the pure annual ryegrass pastures. The average daily gain of steers was positively influenced by legumes, with an average of 1.01 kg PV day-1 in mixtures. N fertilizer addition allowed a higher stocking rate and higher animal production in winter. A carryover effect of the treatments was not found on S. italica accumulated herbage mass. Legumes’ addition to annual ryegrass allowed a greater animal performance but did not provide any additional benefit to the following summer crop.Las pasturas anuales de invierno son componentes estratégicos de los sistemas agropecuarios en Uruguay. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la fijación biológica de N de leguminosas en una mezcla con raigrás anual en contraste con la adición de fertilizante nitrogenado. El diseño experimental fue un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 2 de los tratamientos, con dos tipos de pasturas: a) pastura de raigrás anual (Lolium multiflorum L.), y b) pastura mezcla de raigrás anual con dos especies de leguminosas anuales (Trifolium resupinatum L. y Trifolium vesiculosum L.); y dos niveles de fertilización con N: a) sin fertilizante, y b) 64 kg N ha-1. Las pasturas fueron pastoreadas con novillos Holstein. En verano se realizó un cultivo de Setaria italica para evaluar los efectos de los tratamientos en la producción de biomasa de este. La biomasa acumulada de las pasturas de invierno incrementó significativamente con fertilización de N (P ≤ 0.01), con un incremento de 1277 ± 322.5 kg MS ha-1. La pastura mezcla fertilizada con N produjo un mayor índice de nutrición nitrogenada que la pastura de raigrás anual. La biomasa aérea de raigrás presentó un incremento con el agregado de N; sin embargo, en las pasturas monofíticas de raigrás hubo un aumento del 47% de malezas. La ganancia media diaria de los novillos incrementó con la incorporación de leguminosas, con un promedio en las pasturas mezclas de 1,01 kg PV día-1. La adición de fertilizante nitrogenado permitió una mayor carga animal y una mayor producción animal en invierno. No se encontró un efecto de los tratamientos en la biomasa acumulada de S. italica. La incorporación de leguminosas al raigrás anual permitió una mayor ganancia diaria de peso vivo por animal, pero no produjo un efecto adicional sobre el cultivo sucesor de verano.Gerencia de Comunicación Institucional, DG SICyP, INTAFil: García Favre, Javier. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; UruguayFil: García Favre, Javier. Massey University. School of Agriculture and Environment; Nueva ZelandaFil: Zanoniani, Ramiro A. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; UruguayFil: Lopez, Ignacio F. Massey University. School of Agriculture and Environment; Nueva ZelandaFil: Cadenazzi, Mónica. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Biometría, Estadística y Computación; UruguayFil: Sacido, Mónica Benita. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Mailhos, M.E. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; UruguayFil: Boggiano, Pablo. Universidad de la República. Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni (EEMAC). Departamento Producción Animal y Pasturas; Urugua

    Applying a participatory methodology to evaluate ecosystem services in the Pampa biome: lessons learned from the Tessa methodology in Uruguay

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    Identifying and measuring ecosystem services involving local stakeholders has been characterised as a novel approach in the literature. This article describes the methodology used in the participatory workshops, the lessons learned, and the specific results of applying the Tessa method. The methodology was piloted with 56 researchers and technicians, more than 22 institutions, and 54 livestock producers involved with the grassland conservation initiative, Alianza del Pastizal. Identified change agents with the most significant impact include the absence of a rural workforce, the lack of family succession, and weeding and overgrazing of grasslands. The primary ecosystem services identified included the production of fodder, meat/wool, wildlife forage, way of life/culture, and medicinal plants. The methodology presented here is replicable, capable of expansion to more groups, contributes to a better understanding, by the producers, of their problems and points to the need for the development of public incentive policies.Identifying and measuring ecosystem services involving local stakeholders has been characterised as a novel approach in the literature. This article describes the methodology used in the participatory workshops, the lessons learned, and the specific results of applying the Tessa method. The methodology was piloted with 56 researchers and technicians, more than 22 institutions, and 54 livestock producers involved with the grassland conservation initiative, Alianza del Pastizal. Identified change agents with the most significant impact include the absence of a rural workforce, the lack of family succession, and weeding and overgrazing of grasslands. The primary ecosystem services identified included the production of fodder, meat/wool, wildlife forage, way of life/culture, and medicinal plants. The methodology presented here is replicable, capable of expansion to more groups, contributes to a better understanding, by the producers, of their problems and points to the need for the development of public incentive policies.Identifying and measuring ecosystem services involving local stakeholders has been characterised as a novel approach in the literature. This article describes the methodology used in the participatory workshops, the lessons learned, and the specific results of applying the Tessa method. The methodology was piloted with 56 researchers and technicians, more than 22 institutions, and 54 livestock producers involved with the grassland conservation initiative, Alianza del Pastizal. Identified change agents with the most significant impact include the absence of a rural workforce, the lack of family succession, and weeding and overgrazing of grasslands. The primary ecosystem services identified included the production of fodder, meat/wool, wildlife forage, way of life/culture, and medicinal plants. The methodology presented here is replicable, capable of expansion to more groups, contributes to a better understanding, by the producers, of their problems and points to the need for the development of public incentive policies.Identifying and measuring ecosystem services involving local stakeholders has been characterised as a novel approach in the literature. This article describes the methodology used in the participatory workshops, the lessons learned, and the specific results of applying the Tessa method. The methodology was piloted with 56 researchers and technicians, more than 22 institutions, and 54 livestock producers involved with the grassland conservation initiative, Alianza del Pastizal. Identified change agents with the most significant impact include the absence of a rural workforce, the lack of family succession, and weeding and overgrazing of grasslands. The primary ecosystem services identified included the production of fodder, meat/wool, wildlife forage, way of life/culture, and medicinal plants. The methodology presented here is replicable, capable of expansion to more groups, contributes to a better understanding, by the producers, of their problems and points to the need for the development of public incentive policies

    Ecosystems services from natural grasslands: ¿it's possible to enhance them with more productivity?

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    Grazing intensity is the key component of the interrelations between plants and their environment in pastoral ecosystems. In this way, the natural structural and floristic heterogeneity that is a response to soil variability can be modified by grazing. But the degree of such alterations must to be controlled in order to maintain ecosystems services and at same time to offers an adequate nutritional environment to the herbivores. In this paper we summarize some results from a series of experiments conducted in natural pastures from south Brazil, to demonstrate how grazing control can modified structural pasture characteristics, enhancing animal performance, soil quality, water infiltration, and producing a meat with particular fatty acids composition

    El microscopio: un recurso indispensable en la enseñanza experimental de las ciencias exactas

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    La observación microscópica ha sido motivo de curiosidad en la historia de la humanidad, desde la invención de los primeros microscopios de Zacharias Jansen y Anton Van Leeuwenhoek en el siglo XVII hasta la actualidad. Su utilización resulta indispensable en la educación, complementando la enseñanza de las ciencias exactas experimentales. Durante los años 2015 y 2016, el Museo de Química “Dr. Carlos Sagastume” -Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la UNLP, integrante de la Red de Museos de la UNLP y el Museo del Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos-Centro Bioquímico Distrito I, en el marco del proyecto de extensión universitario que desarrollan en conjunto, han organizado presentaciones con actividades de observaciones microscópicas. Estas experiencias les han mostrado que el público, cualquiera sea su edad o nivel educativo, muestra un mayor interés por las observaciones directas al microscopio frente a otros modos de visualización.Red de Museos de la Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    El microscopio: un recurso indispensable en la enseñanza experimental de las ciencias exactas

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    La observación microscópica ha sido motivo de curiosidad en la historia de la humanidad, desde la invención de los primeros microscopios de Zacharias Jansen y Anton Van Leeuwenhoek en el siglo XVII hasta la actualidad. Su utilización resulta indispensable en la educación, complementando la enseñanza de las ciencias exactas experimentales. Durante los años 2015 y 2016, el Museo de Química “Dr. Carlos Sagastume” -Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la UNLP, integrante de la Red de Museos de la UNLP y el Museo del Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos-Centro Bioquímico Distrito I, en el marco del proyecto de extensión universitario que desarrollan en conjunto, han organizado presentaciones con actividades de observaciones microscópicas. Estas experiencias les han mostrado que el público, cualquiera sea su edad o nivel educativo, muestra un mayor interés por las observaciones directas al microscopio frente a otros modos de visualización.Red de Museos de la Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    El microscopio: un recurso indispensable en la enseñanza experimental de las ciencias exactas

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    La observación microscópica ha sido motivo de curiosidad en la historia de la humanidad, desde la invención de los primeros microscopios de Zacharias Jansen y Anton Van Leeuwenhoek en el siglo XVII hasta la actualidad. Su utilización resulta indispensable en la educación, complementando la enseñanza de las ciencias exactas experimentales. Durante los años 2015 y 2016, el Museo de Química “Dr. Carlos Sagastume” -Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la UNLP, integrante de la Red de Museos de la UNLP y el Museo del Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos-Centro Bioquímico Distrito I, en el marco del proyecto de extensión universitario que desarrollan en conjunto, han organizado presentaciones con actividades de observaciones microscópicas. Estas experiencias les han mostrado que el público, cualquiera sea su edad o nivel educativo, muestra un mayor interés por las observaciones directas al microscopio frente a otros modos de visualización